Puppy Buyer Questionnaire
The following questions will help us find the right puppy for you. Our goal is to find each puppy a loving home where they can be part of the family. The dog’s welfare must be our foremost consideration before a choice is made for placement.
Please complete the questionnaire below and send it to Oakwoodknls@gmail.com
Personal Information
Home Address:
Contact Number/s:
E-mail address:
Referred by:
Family Information
Spouse Name:
Occupation of spouse:
Number of family members:
Do you have any children? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, what is/are their ages:
Does everyone in the family agree on getting a dog? ( )Yes ( )No
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals/pets? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, to what and how severe?
Who will be the primary caregiver of the puppy?
Have you ever owned a dog before? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, what breed/s?
How long did your last pet live?
What were the circumstances of its death?
Do you currently have other pets/animals? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, please specify:
Do you already have a trusted veterinarian? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, please provide the vet’s name, clinic address, and contact number/s.
If there would be changes in your family’s situation such as a change in occupation or residence, or having a new baby, what will happen to the dog?
Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder? ( )Yes ( )No
If so, what were the circumstances:
Have you ever given a pet away? ( )Yes ( )No
If so, what were the circumstances:
Have you ever taken a pet to a pound or shelter? ( )Yes ( )No
If so, what were the circumstances:
Housing Information
Type of Dwelling:
( ) House
( ) Condo
( ) Apartment
( ) Mobile Home
How long have you lived at this address/home?
If you’re renting, are you allowed to have a dog or pets?
Please provide the name, address, and contact number/s of your landlord:
What kind of floor surfaces will the dog be on in the house?
Do you have a yard? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, is it fenced? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, how high is the fence?
If not, how will the dog exercise?
Will you be willing to build a secure space or suitable pen for the dog so it can burn off energy without being supervised? ( )Yes ( )No
Will the dog receive crate training? ( )Yes ( )No
Puppy-related Information
Why do you want this specific breed?
What reference materials have you read about this breed?
How many individuals of this breed are you acquainted with?
How did you bear about this breed?
What do you expect the activity level of this breed?
( ) Very High
( ) High
( ) Moderate
( ) Below average
Are you aware of the health issues that may affect this breed? ( )Yes ( )No
Are you interested in a ( )Male or ( ) Female puppy?
What age do you wish to get the puppy?
Have you considered an older dog instead of a puppy? ( )Yes ( )No
What are the important factors for you? Rank the following with 1 being the highest priority:
( ) Conformation (looks)
( ) Breeding potential
( ) Temperament
( ) Fieldwork or hunting ability
( ) Gender
( ) Pet Therapy
( ) Search and rescue
( ) Family Companion
( ) Ability to compete in obedience or agility
( ) Show dog quality
( ) Others:
Where will the dog live? Inside, outside, or both?
Where will the puppy be kept during the day?
Where will the puppy be kept during the night?
How many hours a day will the puppy be kept outside?
How will the puppy be confined when outside?
Is anyone going to be at home throughout the day? ( )Yes ( )No
How many hours will the dog be left alone?
Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day? ( )Yes ( )No
Are you interested in showing the dog in the conformation ring? ( )Yes ( )No
Have you ever shown a dog to its championship? ( )Yes ( )No
Do you have dogs that completed AKC titles? Please specify:
Have you had experience breeding dogs? ( )Yes ( )No
Do you intend to breed this dog? ( )Yes ( )No
Have you ever house-trained a dog before? ( )Yes ( )No
Will you be attending any training classes with the puppy? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, what age will you start?
Do you plan on having the dog spayed or neutered? ( )Yes ( )No
Are you interested in competition in performance events such as obedience, agility, hunting, herding, etc.? ( )Yes ( )No
Have you shown a dog to any performance titles? ( )Yes ( )No
Please specify:
Which activities or competitions are you interested in?
Who will be the trainer?
If you’re planning to have this puppy join dog shows or performance events, please provide references (breeders, trainers, etc.).
Do you understand the difference between a limited registration and full registration?
( )Yes ( )No
Do you have any questions or other information you want to share? Feel free to let us know!